Please register to join us for Building Bridges 2024!

No Bridge Too Far - Paving the Way from College to Career Success

Thursday, November 7, 2024 | Grand Bay Hotel, Redwood Shores

6:00 p.m. Reception & Cocktails
7:00 p.m. Program & Dinner

Dress Code: Business or California Cocktail

Building Bridges 2024 will raise critical funds and celebrate student success featuring:

  • Peninsula Bridge scholars who have persevered through challenges and excelled in school, career, and life;

  • The 2024 Peninsula Bridge Student Achievement Award Recipient;

  • And, special live performances by Peninsula Bridge scholars ... more details to come!

Become a Bridge Builder to help support our motivated, deserving scholars on their
13-year path through college and into career! 

Your early Bridge Builder gift helps build momentum and ensures the success of our Building Bridges event. All Bridge Builders will be recognized by giving level on event publicity and during the event. Become a Bridge Builder today and help build a more equitable and inclusive community on the Peninsula!

Become a Building Bridges 2024 Business Sponsor! 

Your support as a business sponsor ensures the success of our event while aligning your business with our mission and reach to our community of over 4,000 supporters! Join us today as a business sponsor at one of the levels below and help us serve our incredible scholars on their path to college and career!

Questions? Please contact Suzanne O’Brien at